Udemy - ExpressJS Fundamentals [Free]

[Free] - ExpressJS Fundamentals

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Course Description

Learn the most important parts of working with ExpressJS.

This course will include topics on:

  • What Express is and why we would want to use it as our server-side framework.
  • How to up a Server
  • What\'s included in the Express scaffold.
  • What Middleware means and how to use it.
  • How to set up and use different Templating for our view.
  • How to configure and use Routing in our express apps.

Students should already have NodeJS installed and a basic understanding of the CommonJS module pattern.

You should take this course if your interested on how to set up and use Express in creating RESTful API\'s for use in any kind of application.

Node and Express go hand in hand. The ability to use this programming paradigm on any kind of web or mobile application makes this skillset incredibly valuable.

And the advantage of being able to build Full Stack applications based on just one language (JavaScript) is becoming more appealing every day. This is especially true for start-ups that put a big emphasis on being able to iterate early and often.

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