Udemy - Complete Book Writing Course From Idea To Published Book [$9 Only]

Course Price $97.00 Now 91% off! [$9 Only] Complete Book Writing Course From Idea To Published Book | Udemy Coupon Code : BOOK9

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Course Description

Last Update November 4th 2015:

As the artist/author Manafest I\'ve sold over 300,000 albums worldwide over 1,000,000 singles and toured over 19 different countries.

I\'ve raised over $20,000 for my first Book \"Fighter 5 Keys To Conquering Fear & Reaching Your Dreams\" which won the 2014 Beverly Hills Book Award and continues to sell thousands of copies.

After writing my first book so many doors opened to me from doing a radio show, podcast as well as speaking gigs. Writing a book will open more doors for you then a PHD.

Writing a book makes you an authority, can create passive income and build your platform quicker then anything else.

It\'s time to take action and get the book written.

It\'s not as hard as you think and this course will guide you step by step.

I have put this course together for you - to which you have full lifetime access, including all the updates, for free.

I \"take you by the hand\" and \"behind the scenes\" and show you everything, explaining it in simple detail with videos and written support lectures.

See how easy it really is to write a book and get it published.

  • Learn How To Use Google Keyword Planner To Research Your Topic
  • See everything that I do to get these amazing figures
  • No outlay, nothing to buy or pay for
  • Nothing is left out - you see everything
  • ... and my help and assistance to Udemy students is legendary


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