Udemy - Econometrics Made Easy: 2-Stage Least Squares [100% Off]

Course Price $29.00 Now 100% off! [Free] - Econometrics Made Easy: 2-Stage Least Squares : QCFREE

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Course Description

Welcome to my on 2-Stage Least Squares (2SLS). This course is carefully designed for students/researchers who are learning 2SLS for the first time and who are not quantitatively inclined.

In fact, this course is entirely NON-MATHEMATICAL!

This course is perfect for learning the intuition and logic of 2SLS and its corresponding diagnostic tests before formally learning the derivation and mathematics from an econometrics course or textbook.

Moreover, this course covers the application of 2SLS and its diagnostic tests using two of the most popular econometrics software packages, Stata and EViews.

At the end of this course, the student will have a clear understanding of why 2SLS is used and how it is implemented, and be able to estimate a 2SLS model using empirical data.